In this guide we will show you how to calculate the value of your Illinois child support obligation. Taking into account the applicable guidelines and laws.

Illinois Child Support Calculator

The United States Department of Health and Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines. (DHHSFPG) for a single individual residing in Illinois for 2022 have also been updated. Along with the State and Federal income withholding amounts, in the Illinois Child Support Estimator.

Based on the data you submit, the Illinois Child Support Estimator is intended to give you a rough sense of the child support amount that would be due under the state’s child support standards (750 ILCS 5/505). Only for informative reasons should you use this estimate. The Division of Child Support Services of the Department of Healthcare and Family Services disclaims any liability for the accuracy of the child support amount you see after entering the information.

It’s possible that the child support amount determined by the Department or the court differs from what you see on our estimate. This sum is just intended as a rough estimate and is not a promise of the amount of child support that will be granted. The amount of child support is influenced by a variety of circumstances, and every scenario is unique.

How To Use the Child Support Illinois Calculator?

So to start with the calculation of the maintenance we are going to enter the calculator.


Once inside the calculator we are going to start filling in the fields that appear with the requested information. There are some fields where you only have to answer Yes or Not. And there are other fields where you have to fill in values.

Child Support IL Calculator

While you are filling in the data on the right hand side there is an i icon where if you click on it it will give you instructions on how to fill in the field. If it has an asterisk in the information it will mean that it is a mandatory field to fill in.

Child Support Illiois Calculator

Once you have completed all the fields and reviewed them. Click on the Calculate button to continue.

Calculate Il Child Support Illinois Calculator

Finally, it will give us the result of the value of our child support in Illinois. Here we can print the result, print it and also look at the worksheet.

Calculate Illinois Child Support IL Calculator

Your real child support and/or medical support payments may be different from what the calculator suggests. The level of assistance varies based on a number of variables; every circumstance is unique.